
SERPs Data Extractor API

Collect publicly available data from top search engines including Google, Bing, Yandex, etc. 


Extract and collect publicly available SERP data, in real-time, without getting blocked with SERPs Data Extractor API. With multiple IP vendor support, easy integration, and professional development support, our SERPs Data Extractor API allows you to extract any data–including paid and organic listings data, as well as images–from search engine results in minutes without the need to worry about blocks, captchas, hardware, infrastructure, proxies, or setup – let us take care of everything for you! Ideal for real-time retrieval of Bing, Google, Yandex, and other search engines’ data.

  • Cost-effective full-service SERPs Data Extractor API solution

  • Ideal for real-time retrieval of Bing, Google, Yandex, and other search engines’ data

  • Collect data from any search engine promptly

  • Collect millions of SERP listings within a single API call delivered in HTML

Easy integration and top-notch professional support

Our user-friendly SERPs Data Extractor API has been built with developers in mind, allowing you to integrate easily with your preferred framework and language. This gives you instant access to start extracting the data your business requires. Any customization is easily accommodated by our industry-leading team of engineers and data experts, assisted by highly skilled dedicated account managers.


Our robust SERPs Data Extractor API can be used to extract data vital for your business, and deliver outputs in HTML.

How businesses are using SERPs Data Extractor API:

Keyword Rank Tracker

Brand Protection

Market Research

Ad Intelligence
